You Make Things Better Review
I read this book and I must admit that there were things I liked about it, but for the reason why I can’t give it five stars. The plot was somewhat believable, but the progression of things that happened between Chris and Andrea was too fast. The decision that Chris makes to take on a wife because he can’t get through to his sister is just nonsense. It seemed that these characters rushed to make decisions that really would take time to think about. It read like the author was making it up as she went along. For example, how would Chris remember what Andrea’s apartment looked like in great detail in order for him to set up her room at his house the same way? The transitions were always bothersome.
Chris at one point is holding Suzie in his arms in one scene, but it is never stated that he puts her down. The actions or movements of the characters are not consistent. Moreover, the inconsistency of the characters' thoughts is too much. If Chris was so worried about Andrea and her ex-boyfriend, why didn’t he press the issue further? He got in his feelings and decided to call everything off. Meanwhile, Andrea doesn’t even bother to question Chris on his decision at all. I understand wanting to progress the story, but they make judgments without asking questions. It feels like the only character that was realistic was Rose. But Rose’s character isn’t perfect, but compared to the others, she is more fleshed out.
This book is good for a quick read. But that’s pretty much it.
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